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Our range protects your hair from damage fake tan can cause.

When you fake tan, you are covering your skin in a layer of dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA is the active component in almost every sunless tanning skincare product, regardless of whether it’s delivered as a spray tan, mouse, water, gel or cream.

This chemical reacts with the amino acids in your skin to create a brown pigment. While this may give you the desired bronzed look, it has an adverse effect on your hair. The mechanism by which DHA damages the hair is primarily through a chemical reaction between DHA and the proteins present in the hair. This reaction can alter the protein structure and integrity of the hair, leading to various forms of damage, including:

  1. Protein denaturation: DHA can disrupt the natural protein structure of the hair, causing the proteins to unravel or denature. This can result in weakened hair that is more susceptible to breakage and damage.

  2. Moisture loss: DHA can strip the hair of its natural moisture, leading to dry and brittle hair. This can make the hair more prone to breakage, split ends, and overall dullness.

  3. Alteration of hair color and texture: The chemical reaction between DHA and the proteins in the hair can also lead to a change in the hair's color and texture, making it appear dull and lifeless.

  4. Weakening of hair bonds: The interaction between DHA and the hair proteins can weaken the bonds that hold the hair together, making it more fragile and prone to damage from external stressors such as styling, heat, and environmental factors.

The Science
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“I love seeing the fast results of this amazing range for my clients.

Excited to see these unique and trusted solutions now available to consumers. ”

— Desiree de Villiers, Virgo Moon Hair